
10-Second Rule is Now the 2-Minute Rule

Tallahassee, Florida - Fifth-grader Andy Sanders of Kate Sullivan Elementary School, has extended the popular 10-Second Rule to 2 minutes. His discovery came after months of grueling lunch-time research that culminated in a first-place science project in December. Not only did he win first-place, but he also got a $50 gift certificate to the Discovery Store, where he has reportedly found nothing fun to buy.

When reporters tracked down the pudgy 11-year old, he was snacking on fruit-roll-ups and go-gurts in the playground, just like any normal kid; however, he is far from ordinary. Sanders has single-handedly thrown the world on its head with his breakthrough science, reevaluating the real-life usability of dropped food. Sanders knew in his gut that food dropped on the ground for more than 10 seconds was still fine to eat. He just needed the science to prove it to the world and to his persnickety mother. And that's exactly what young Sanders has accomplished.

Scientists everywhere are flabbergasted by Sanders' simple yet ingenious use of science. "What would take adults thousands of dollars in equipment and several working drafts of a scientifically formatted paper, Sanders has accomplished with packed lunches and big piece of cardboard with his magnificent methodology pasted to it," says Harry Birchenstienburg of Colombia University. "This discovery could very possibly solve the world's starvation problem. Most people starve due to strict adherence to the 10-second rule, but no more. Thank you Andy Sanders," said Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary General.

The methodology was a user-friendly system of direct sampling of foods that had spent varied times on the filthy floor of the school cafeteria. The recipient's bodily reaction was then analyzed by assigning categories such as "puking", "gagging", and "downing it." Some parents of the subjects involved in the experiment protested, claimed their children had reported upset stomachs. However, after the project blew the worlds’ mind, all angry phone calls to Sanders' mother and teacher were canceled.


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